1986 Super Bowl Champions on Abortion

via Danny Burk

The criticism of Tim Tebow for filming a Superbowl commercial has been hard to miss. For what? Reports indicate the ad tells the story of Tebows mother, who decided to have Tim instead of abort him like the doctors were recommending because of an illness she contracted during pregnancy. It sounds like the ad doesn’t even mention abortion. But for many in the pro-“choice” movement, evidently hearing a story that encourages women to keep their babies is inappropriate for national TV. The National Organization for Women has condemned the ad and CBS’ decision to let the ad run during this year’s Superbowl.

There’s a great article of the nonsense of all that written by Sally Jenkins, who described herself as a feminist and pro-choice. Take the time to go read it.

In addition to that, Denny also posted a link to a video of some of the 1986 Superbowl Champion New York Giants who decided to film and anti-abortion segment. It talks about the game itself and has several players making an appeal for us to put an end to the killing of our children. Its good to put in perspective that Tebow is not the first nationally recognized football player to take a stand like this, and in actuality, Tebow’s looks to be a more positive statement on the value of life rather than a condemnation of abortion. (Both of those are necessary, BTW.) Here’s the video: