We had a great time in Minnesota visiting some of Sarah’s family. I took some info with me to see if I could get a few posts done while we were gone, but traveling with a one year old leaves one with little (read, no) spare time. It was a good trip, though, and we’re glad to be back in North Carolina.

I’d like to pick back up with some more analysis of the Great Commission Resurgence Task Force final report next week when my schedule gets back to normal. There are plenty of materials out there right now on the subject, so let me point you to some of those until then.
Between the Times continues to have some excellent posts on GCR matters. That’s the first place I’d point you to. They are also reposting articles from other places so have become an aggregator in some ways for pro-GCR thinking. (Think: Balance for Baptist Press)
Also, keep an eye on Baptist21, specifically Recent GCR Articles of Note.
I’ve noticed some anti-GCR voices becoming rather unreasonable in their criticisms of the task force and the report. This tells me they are worried that support for the report is too large for them to overcome. I won’t link to the discussion I’m talking about because I don’t want them to receive any more attention in light of their recent conduct.
I’m also trying to figure out the best way to continue with my analysis of the final report. I’m trying to decide whether to continue going component-by-component is the best approach or whether I need to take a different direction. I’ll think about it some more and have some new content next week.