I am happy to report that Sarah and I have been living in Severn, NC now for almost three weeks. Severn Baptist Church called me as their pastor on January 20th and February 3rd was my first Sunday.
Its been a long process, but God has obviously been at work preparing me for them and them for me as well.
Severn (pronounced “Sev-ren”) is about 5 minutes over the Virginia-North Carolina line, southwest of Franklin, VA. Many of the homes here are over a hundred years old and beautiful buildings The town is small but very friendly and seems to be close-knit. You can see the town in the map to the right. The church is on the south side of Main Street, and can be seen from the satellite view.
Now for a little about the church itself. It was founded in 1896. Right now, we are having a little over 30 in Sunday School and around 50 in Worship. My first sermon was from Rev. 19 and I talked about Jesus returning as a conquering king and about finding anew a sense of the majesty of God. The next week we started a 4-Part series on the attributes of God called “What Is God Like?” That is where we are now, as I write. Tomorrow will be the second sermon in that series.
The church has a parsonage and Sarah and I moved in almost three weeks ago now. It’s a beautiful two-story brick house and is huge for us with five bedrooms. We’ve spread out and tried to fill it up. We have 1 guest bedroom, a workout/ironing room, and Sarah and I both have a room for office/study. So things are going great here.

As for new contact information, our cell phones don’t work well here. We seem to be right in the dead spot between two cell-phone towers so our home phone is the best way to reach us. 252 is the area code here and the number is 585-1463 here at the house. I’m at the church mornings from at least 8-noon and the number there is 585-1213. Our mailing address is PO Box 502, Severn, NC 27877. I hope that’s enough of an update for now.
I wish I was better at keeping this website up but thanks to those who keep checking back! I’d like to start posting my sermons here at some point soon; check back in another week or two and see if I’ve got that going.