GCR Task Force Report Released (UPDATED)

Yesterday morning, the Great Commission Resurgence Task Force released their final report in preparation for the SBC Annual Meeting in Orlando next month. I am excited about the report and want to go through it in some detail soon. But for now, I’ll provide some information and resources.

The report and videos may be viewed at the Great Commission Resurgence website, http://www.pray4gcr.com/. You can read the report or watch a video where Ronnie Floyd presents the report. They’ve posted an additional short video to be shown in churches about the GCRTF’s work. You can see it below.

A Great Commission Resurgence from GCR on Vimeo.

Other Resources
The Biblical Recorder printed a Baptist Press news release that is a good summary of the report. It may be the quickest way for you to get an overview of the report.

I also wanted to point you to a post at Southeastern Seminary’s all-star blog, Between the Times, written by Steve McKinion. Steve makes the case that the Great Commission Resurgence movement is the direct descendant of the Conservative Resurgence movement of the last few decades.

Here are two others takes on the report, one positive and one negative:

For a positive assessment , see “Penetrating the Lostness”: One Enthusiastic “AYE” for the GCR Report! at SBCImpact.

For a predictably negative negative view on it, see My Take on the Final GCR Report at Les Puryears’ blog. I’ll probably interact in detail with Les’ criticisms in an upcoming post because they seem representative of most people who dislike the report. I link to it here so you can stay well-informed.