Letter Published in Biblical Recorder

Last month I sent in a letter to the editor of the North Carolina Baptist newspaper, the Biblical Recorder. It was in response to this editorial and this letter affirming the original editorial. Somehow it got published and you can read it here.

The subject matter is the Great Commission Resurgence document and motion that passed at last month’s Southern Baptist Convention. If you haven’t heard about this movement yet, do yourself a favor and see the original document (take a minute to sign it if you’re on board) and listen to Danny Akin explain it in his sermon on the media page called “Axioms of a Great Commission Resurgence.”

There’s more excitement over this issue in SBC (especially among young pastors) than anything in recent memory. I hope there will be some great things that come out of the GCR movement.

The motion, offered by Southern Seminary President Al Mohler, was to allow SBC President Johnny Hunt to appoint a task force to evaluate our current way of operating. The task force is then to put together some recommendations on how we can more effectively and efficiently work together to help accomplish the Great Commission.