Long awaited update…

Well classes are about to start again. Its amazing how fast the summer has flown by. Two weeks ago I was in Northern VA working at a sports camp for Infinity Sports. There are a couple pictures on the front page of the website. I ended up doing video because we didn’t have enough kids to do volleyball. Maybe I’ll post one of the videos I made in case anybody wants to see it.

Last week I got to go back to Suffolk and see my family. That was good since i hadn’t been back there since the beginning of the summer. It was good to see them all and the food was good but I ate too much. Its hard to believe I’m about to start my final year of school. Like I’ve said a few times, I’m ready to be done with school. And it’s exciting to think that hopefully I’ll be talking to some churches in the next 6-8 months for initial contacts and hopefully in less than a year I’ll find a church to pastor.

I’m going to try to be better about updating since school’s about to start again and I’ll be in more of a normal schedule than i have been the last two weeks.