March Madness

Sorry, nothing to do with college basketball. I know its been forever so I wanted to post some updates. School is keeping me tremendously busy. I was supposed to have to take only 9 hours this semester to graduate in May, but a graduation audit said that I needed one more class. Turns out a class I took last year didn’t count toward my degree. It would have been nice to know that then, but I didn’t. So I had to add another class for a total of 12 hours, which is a full load. So much for this being a laid back final semester!

In bigger news I’ve recently been voted in as the Interim Youth Minister at the church where I’ve been helping with youth. The youth minister, Neil, who had been there for 3 or 4 years took a position in Illinois since he is done with seminary. The church will be looking for a permanent youth minister while I serve as interim. Things have been going well at church and while this is a huge responsibility, it has also been a joy to step in and help out in this way.

The pastor will be away this Sunday so he’s asked me to preach for the Sunday morning worship service. I haven’t decided for sure, but I’m leaning toward preaching on Psalm 96 at this point. I’ve been struggling with a cold over the past week or so and I’m hoping that will be gone soon since I have to lead music and preach for our Wed night youth worship service. Thats all the update I can think of for now. As always, I’ll try and be better about updating!