Of the writing of many papers there is no end…

Ten pages is a LONG book review! I’m a little over half done, but the good news is that its not due til Thursday! Look at me, getting a head start. I’m trying to get better at getting my work done ahead of time. There’s no doubt that lowers the stress level of seminary quite a bit. So far so good, we’ll see as the semester goes on…

I really can’t complain though. I love the work I’m doing, the books I’m reading, the issues I’m getting to spend time combing through. There are some ways that I can’t wait for seminary to end… you know to get out there and do the “real work” I’ve been studying to do. Then there’s a part of me that wants to stay here in the safety of theory. I guess its the question of whether or not all these ideas and conclusions that I’m coming to now are really going to work.

I see so badly the need for improvement in our churches, but I always wonder if I’m really going to be able to do any better. It’s apprehension, really. The tendency to think that pastoring is about me and my “success” as a leader. Its so easy to forget that the church is about the glory of Christ. What a temptation for pastors! We all want to do great things for the kingdom of God. But how easy it is to let pride quietly infect this good desire! May God deliver me from pride so that he might use me to be truly effective for him.

Just a few thoughts… back to the book review…