Summer continues

Once again its been far too long since my last post. But I have added a couple extras to the site recently. The front page now has a section for music at the bottom of the sidebar. Clicking on the links in that takes you to the iTunes Music Store if you have iTunes installed on your computer and lets you preview the song for 30 seconds and then you can buy it for $1 if you want to.

Also, I would be remiss if I did not also mention the new Mr. T video. Its a clip form the pilot episode of the A-Team TV show from 1983. I may be the only one that thinks its this funny but I roll in the floor laughing every time I watch it. Especially when he talks about beating on peoples’ heads and the dumb big fat stupid stinking bandit. Maybe I’ll come across some more clips soon.

Well I just finished studying and taking a test for one of my classes so there is a lot of stress done with. Next week I’m playing in a tennis tournament here in Louisville. Its on indoor courts, so I’m hoping I can serve well and the courts will be pretty fast and I think that’ll be an advantage for me.

It amazing how fast the summer is flying by. Its less than a month now until classes start back for us. I’ve still got some work I need to do for 2 of my summer classes. 2 of them I’ve gotten everything done with already.

I’m still going to try soon to write some more about my Thailand trip, I’ve gotten some questions through e-mail and I’ll try and answer some of those and give some more details now that I’ve had some time to reflect. Thats all for now. Watch out for those alley-cat sized sewer rats.