What's been going on around the SBC blogosphere

Here are a few things you might want to be aware of…

  • A lot of discussion about the GCR Task Force’s Interim report. My plan is to jump in the discussion with several posts examining each of the 6 components. This will lead up to the May 3rd release of the final report by the task force.

  • Les Puryear is launching an initiative to have more small church pastors elected and appointed to leadership positions in the SBC. He’s explained what difference he thinks it will make. I’m not opposed to having more small church types in leadership, I just don’t think the problem is as pressing as he thinks it is, and I don’t think it will help solve the issues to any real extent. Besides, we have more important issues to deal with right now.

  • Baptist21 has announced the details of their lunch and panel discussion on Tuesday of this year’s SBC Annual Meeting. Sarah and I attended last year and it was a highlight of our trip. You can see the details and reserve a spot here. If you’ll be in Orlando, don’t miss it.