Local Baptist Assocations in the 21st Century

I have been asked to deliver the message at the 2011 Fall meeting of the West Chowan Baptist Association. I’m posting the notes here for anyone who would like a copy. I also intend to post the audio after I deliver the message.

The notes are in .pdf format and are the same pages I’ll be bringing with me into the pulpit tonight. That is to say there are other notes from research and outlining that are not included here. Below is the title and outline of the message.

“Is There a Role for Local Associations in the 21st Century?”
Acts 16:4-5

Outline: What would an effective and relevant local association ministry look like?

1. Encouragement in Sound Doctrine and Theological Accountability
2. Becoming a Channel of Financial Resources Rather than a Reservoir
3. Establishing, Equipping, and Empowering Churches

Available for Download: Message Audio and Sermon Notes