Mid-terms are over!

Well its pretty obvious that its been a while since I posted. Not quite a month but close. Sorry about that, I’ll try and do better. 🙂

We had mid-terms last week and its great to have those over with. Its hard to believe that the semester is halfway over. I only have a couple of weeks left before my SME project is done. That takes up about 10 hours a week right now, so that will free up my schedule quite a bit. Also, this Saturday, we have 8 hours of training for my new job at the emergency shelter. As soon as we complete the training, the shelter can open. So next week I should start actually working shifts.

Thats the latest news. The Hokies are having a great season so far and we’ll hope that continues and hopefully VT will get a shot at the National Title this year. VT played Florida State in 1999 for the National Championship, but lost the game. Hopefully this year they can go all the way! Go Hokies!