New Song Fellowship Spiritual Gifts Study

We just completed a Wednesday night series on spiritual gifts at New Song Fellowship. Here’s a list of resources and the handout materials we used during the study.

Handout Materials
This document includes the study summary, spiritual gifts chart, and study questions for the three major spiritual gift passages, Romans 12, Ephesians 4, and 1 Corinthians 12-14. I’ve also included the spiritual gifts inventory test and the Juan Sanchez articles, both listed below.

Spiritual Gifts Translation Comparison
Compares the NIV, ESV, and NASB translations of the various spiritual gifts. There’s a surprising amount of continuity among all three translations, but there are some minor differences. This two-page color-coded worksheet makes the differences easy to spot.


The Resurgence on Spiritual Gifts
This is an excellent study by The Resurgence, and available at their website. The download is reformatted to fit each gift on a separate page. It includes definitions, Bible passages, and questions that help identify if you have that particular gift. Original Source Materials

How Do I Find My Spiritual Gifts? Juan Sanchez article at The Gospel Coalition
This is a one-page article I really appreciate. It discusses the drawbacks of spiritual gift inventories and provides a more biblical way of thinking about and discovering how the Holy Spirit would use us on our churches. I formatted this article to fit on one page. PDF (Note: This is also included in the “Handout Materials” download listed above.)

Spiritual Gifts Inventory Test – Evangelical Lutheran Church of America
I know I just mentioned an article that discussed the drawbacks of spiritual gift inventories. That said, I think they can be useful if used with the proper disclaimers. So you can take this one online or I made a four-page printout version for in-class usage. PDF (Note: This is also included in the “Handout Materials” download listed above.)

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