Summer Plans

I know, I know, its been forever since I updated this thing. Here’s whats going on this summer. Next week (June 6-10) I have a class from 8-5 everyday. June 21-23 I’ll be in Nashville for the SBC Annual Meeting. From June 27th to July 10th, I’ll be gone for a trip to Thailand. There may be a few other items, I talked to Deane Hartzell today about working a week or two for the sports camps Infinity Sports are doing this summer. It should be a good summer, lots of variety, definitely.

I’m also working on a website for my dad’s company, you can check that out at

Hopefully I’ll get back to Virginia one or two more times before classes start back up in the Fall. We’ll see how things work out for that. I’ll try and write again soon with some more details about my trip to Thailand.